Very Powerful.
Written by RomeoFightBack
Betapa mudahnya membuat teman, itu yang muncul di kepala saya saat itu, kedekatan emosional tentang satu hal begitu mudah terbangun, tanpa perlu proses yang terlalu cepat, mungkin mirip buku “blink” nya Malcolm Cadwell, akhirnya kita berdiskusi hampir selama 5 jam, most of them is about life.
Malam itu setengah ngantuk, seseorang menyapa :
“nice pic bro”
“thanks man”
“i was reading your article dude, it was really usefull, i mean that is the simple basic thing of your daily life, but it is really important, at the end it is all about communication”
“i am talking with philosoph here:D”
“hahaha no, just an opinion”
“when you communicate you are facing these 3 layers of Human : 1. ego, 2. logic, 3 emotion, ok ?”
“that is correct, i always believe that all human are unique, their surroundings and their past made who they are today, just like behaviourism theory”
“well, ego is unique, logic will be depend on your education background, but emotion is the SAME, it is your BIRTH GIFT, the unique is how to trigger human’s emotion”
I always enjoy discussion about life, apalagi karena akhir akhir ini saya sedang mencari jawaban tentang banyak pertanyaan, hidup yang terasa begitu kosong atau rutinitas yang seolah menjadi penjara yang mengekang, hebatnya adalah Tuhan tahu persis setiap kegelisahan manusia, tidak satu detik pun manusia lepas dari pengawasannya, itu lah yang membuat manusia menjadi spesial.
Dia tahu ketika manusia sedang sedih, sedang bahagia, sedang bimbang, dan dengan penuh kasih sayang dan bijaksana, dia “mengalirkan” jawaban atas banyak pertanyaan yang menumpuk disekeliling kita. Iya, bukan memberikan lho, tapi mengalirkan seperti sungai jawaban atas pertanyaan disekeliling kita, HEBAT bukan ???!!!!
lalu kenapa selama ini kita selalu sulit menangkap jawaban yang sebenarnya tercecer di sekitar kita ini ?
because we choose not to BELIEVE ! our ego and our logic snapped our brain everytime the answer come, the question “is it possible ?” “it is not gonna work” ” come on man, are you dreaming ?”
Those question put your POWERFULL JEDI sit in the corner, because everytime they READY to FIGHT for you, you told him to shut up !!
this is the most interesting question :
“what if you let your JEDI fight for you ? what if you trust your JEDI and let him use his light saber ?”
I always believe that there is this GREAT POWER that always surround us, This power is SOOO GREAT and it surround everybody. No matter who you are, what you do, where are you from, This GREAT POWER didn’t really care, What HE knows, HE JUST HAVE TO ACCOMPANY YOU WHEREVER YOU WILL GO, he is so LOYAL to you, he will never let you go…. do you notice that ?
I was talking to a friend yesterday, as usual she is the best advisor i can have, she said something interesting yesterday
“i always believe that inside everyone of us, we have this GREAT TALENT that we never really know that it is existed inside us, if we just BELIEVE that we have that power, if we just BELIEVE that powerful JEDI you talked about, you let HIM fight for YOU, you will realize that YOU can do almost EVERYTHING that you want”
When we are little our mind is so free, we scared out of NOTHING, when you are a baby, you learn how to walk, do you count how many times you have fallen ? you don’t even care that what do you walk on, you DON’T CARE whether it is grass, soil or parquet, what you know you just WALK, you are MOVING FORWARD…
When we grow up , Everyone around us put this chip and we are forced to believe that everything they say is true, in science they call it MEMETICS. We listen and read advertisement everyday, they suggest to us what is better for us, that your clothes are so bad so you CHANGE it, you should buy THE NEWEST HAND PHONE to be considered cool, you should be HANDSOME to get girls, these VIRUSES of MIND (i use definition by Richard Brodie) control you without even you realize it.
Still remember our JEDI ? He is our only hope to FIGHT this VIRUSES of MIND, I tell you a SECRET, i am just going to share this with you guys, you know what, That whole army of VIRUSES is AFRAID of your JEDI !!! That JEDI you have inside you is SOOO POWERFUL, The light SABER he has in his hand, it is MORE than enough to fight this VIRUSES.
OK now, since We agree that this is the TIME to FIGHT BACK !!! We will talk about this one by one
A higher life purpose for yourself that maximizes your fulfilment and enjoyment in life, just forget about all advertisement that said you have to be handsome to get girls, just forget that you have to ride porsche when you wanna have a chat with someone, just forget that you should have dinner in fancy restaurant to impress a girl, This time, this virus of mind, we FIGHT BACK for sure !!! You know what FIND your HIGHER LIFE PURPOSE, things that DRIVE your emotion, THINGS that you REALLY REALLY WANTED in LIFE, no matter HOW SILLY IT IS FOR SOMEONE ELSE, but if that thing maximizes your life, DO IT !!! What they don’t know, We get our JEDI now, don’t worry they are sure will win the FIGHT !!! THEY NEVER LOOSE !!!
Hidup kadang tidak selalu baik kepada saya…gagal masuk SMA unggulan, gagal kuliah di universitas unggulan, 6 kali berganti judul skripsi, beberapa kegiatan kemahasiswaan yang digagalkan…Hidup bahkan bukan hanya tidak bersikap baik tetapi KEJAM !!!
I will tell you a secret my friends…EVERYBODY HAVE EVER FAILED IN THEIR LIFE , NOT ONCE BUT SOOOO MANY TIMES !!! That what life is all about, YOU FAILED, YOU LEARN AND YOU MOVE ON…Masih ingat bab sebelumnya ? You should set higher purpose in your life…THAT HIGHER PURPOSE IN YOUR LIFE IS YOUR DREAM !!! Mimpi itulah yang nantinya akan merubah hidup kita…Kalau orang tidak pernah bermimpi untuk terbang tentu tidak akan pernah ada pesawat…kalau orang tidak pernah bermimpi untuk bisa berkomunikasi di jarak yang ribuan kilometer tentu tak pernah ada telepon…Ketakutan orang untuk BERMIMPI membuat hidup menjadi mononton dan begitu MEMBOSANKAN…Beberapa kali saya mendengar cerita-cerita teman yang mengeluh karena hidupnya hanya seolah menjadi rangkaian rutinitas saja…rumah – kantor – rumah…kerja – tidur – kerja…and after sometimes, these people come to me and said “WHAT A BORING LIFE !!!”
Set a higher purpose in Life…A courage to DREAM, will suddenly bring passion to your life…peluang baru HARUS diciptakan, STRATEGI BARU segera dirancang, TIME TABLE baru tercipta, tiba tiba saja HIDUP MENJADI BERUBAH DINAMIS !!! for me DREAM is THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL IN LIFE, because you know what, IT CHANGES YOUR LIFE !!
But Life is not an INSTANT, it is a PROCESS…You have to walk every INCH in your life, You have to get through all processes one by one…Saya kebetulan pecinta Taekwondo, setelah satu bulan belajar timbul keinginan untuk memecahkan balok…yang terjadi tumit belakang saya menjadi biru dan memar…setelah 3 bulan saya kembali berlatih memecahkan balok…dan kembali tumit belakang saya memar…tapi di percobaan kedua saya sadar bahwa putaran pinggang dan hentakan kaki menjadi elemen penting untuk memecahkan balok…dan setelah 6 bulan belajar..i finally did it…IT TOOK ME 3 FAILED untill i SUCCESS…Kaki yang biru dan memar serta berjalan harus dengan pelan selama proses penyembuhan kaki yang memar tiba-tiba menjadi tidak terasa setelah saya berhasil…KONSISTENSI and BELIEVE that in TIMES, we will be there…we will reach things that you really really wanted in LIFE…By believing that YOU WILL SUCCESS, you will have the courage to FOLLOW your HEART…If you FAILED then GET UP, if you FAILED AGAIN then JUST GET UP AGAIN !!! because sometimes it is not a failure…itu hanya obat yang PAHIT yang harus kita telan supaya kita kembali menjadi sehat…don’t loose faith…
Berhenti dan menyerah hanyalah untuk pecundang…PEMENANG adalah ketika semua orang berkata CUKUP , dia mengambil insiatif melangkah satu INCI lebih banyak …Hanya satu INCI tidak banyak…tapi satu INCI itulah yang membedakan Pemenang, Pahlawan, Ksatria atau apapun namanya dari yang lain… hanya satu INCI lebih banyak… and that JEDI will tell you…“it is not FINISH yet…take one more small step…”
Hal ini juga berlaku buat teman – teman pecinta wanita…Berapa banyak dari kita yang gagal mendapatkan wanita idaman ? saya yakin kita SEMUA PERNAH GAGAL dalam mendapatkan hati wanita idaman ? Jangan patah arang, karena itulah yang dinamakan PROSES…waktunya berbeda – beda…ada yang mungkin berproses dengan cepat karena dia memiliki bakat dan hal tersebut datang secara natural…ada yang prosesnya sedikit lebih lama…but the bottom line is, IT TAKES TIMES…Mungkin yang sebelumnya belum pernah tau IOI,IOD, DLV,DHV, now you KNOW IT !! then you learn…ada yang sebelumnya tidak tau KINO, than you learn now…what is the uses of story telling ? than you learn now…during that time you will fail but then you learn again…bukan proses nya yang menjadi substansi disini BUT HOW YOU WALK ALL THE PROCESS defines WHO YOU ARE !!!
Semua orang pernah ditolak wanita, semua orang pernah keliru menggunakan pick up lines yang tepat, semua orang pernah salah menggunakan timing kino, THAT is NOT THE PROBLEM HERE, the problem is SO WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP ? ask that question to yourself and how you response to that situation will define whether you will be a WINNER or NOT
You will have two voices inside your head, EVERYONE HAVE, pada saat loe gagal kedua suara ini akan berbisik ke loe, yang pertama bilang :
1. Stop it, sudah gue bilang ini gak akan berhasil, loe hanya akan buang- buang waktu aja belajar menjadi seorang pria idaman, umur loe sudah tua saatnya untuk mencari wanita yang paling dekat dengan loe and get married, telat loe belajar ilmu tentang menjadi pria idaman
2. No, this is the thing i have to get through, ok so what is my failure ? i will fix this failure and let me try again
People have to believe that they are worthed, people have to believe on their own skill, people have to believe that they actually have the strongest ability, that ability is called “KONSISTENSI untuk BELAJAR”, still remember our strongest JEDI…don’t worry… he will never leave you…he is there with every step that you have to go through…
Set a higher purpose in Life…A courage to DREAM, will suddenly bring passion to your life…peluang baru HARUS diciptakan, STRATEGI BARU segera dirancang, TIME TABLE baru tercipta, tiba tiba saja HIDUP MENJADI BERUBAH DINAMIS !!! for me DREAM is THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL IN LIFE, because you know what, IT CHANGES YOUR LIFE !!
But Life is not an INSTANT, it is a PROCESS…You have to walk every INCH in your life, You have to get through all processes one by one…Saya kebetulan pecinta Taekwondo, setelah satu bulan belajar timbul keinginan untuk memecahkan balok…yang terjadi tumit belakang saya menjadi biru dan memar…setelah 3 bulan saya kembali berlatih memecahkan balok…dan kembali tumit belakang saya memar…tapi di percobaan kedua saya sadar bahwa putaran pinggang dan hentakan kaki menjadi elemen penting untuk memecahkan balok…dan setelah 6 bulan belajar..i finally did it…IT TOOK ME 3 FAILED untill i SUCCESS…Kaki yang biru dan memar serta berjalan harus dengan pelan selama proses penyembuhan kaki yang memar tiba-tiba menjadi tidak terasa setelah saya berhasil…KONSISTENSI and BELIEVE that in TIMES, we will be there…we will reach things that you really really wanted in LIFE…By believing that YOU WILL SUCCESS, you will have the courage to FOLLOW your HEART…If you FAILED then GET UP, if you FAILED AGAIN then JUST GET UP AGAIN !!! because sometimes it is not a failure…itu hanya obat yang PAHIT yang harus kita telan supaya kita kembali menjadi sehat…don’t loose faith…
Berhenti dan menyerah hanyalah untuk pecundang…PEMENANG adalah ketika semua orang berkata CUKUP , dia mengambil insiatif melangkah satu INCI lebih banyak …Hanya satu INCI tidak banyak…tapi satu INCI itulah yang membedakan Pemenang, Pahlawan, Ksatria atau apapun namanya dari yang lain… hanya satu INCI lebih banyak… and that JEDI will tell you…“it is not FINISH yet…take one more small step…”
Hal ini juga berlaku buat teman – teman pecinta wanita…Berapa banyak dari kita yang gagal mendapatkan wanita idaman ? saya yakin kita SEMUA PERNAH GAGAL dalam mendapatkan hati wanita idaman ? Jangan patah arang, karena itulah yang dinamakan PROSES…waktunya berbeda – beda…ada yang mungkin berproses dengan cepat karena dia memiliki bakat dan hal tersebut datang secara natural…ada yang prosesnya sedikit lebih lama…but the bottom line is, IT TAKES TIMES…Mungkin yang sebelumnya belum pernah tau IOI,IOD, DLV,DHV, now you KNOW IT !! then you learn…ada yang sebelumnya tidak tau KINO, than you learn now…what is the uses of story telling ? than you learn now…during that time you will fail but then you learn again…bukan proses nya yang menjadi substansi disini BUT HOW YOU WALK ALL THE PROCESS defines WHO YOU ARE !!!
Semua orang pernah ditolak wanita, semua orang pernah keliru menggunakan pick up lines yang tepat, semua orang pernah salah menggunakan timing kino, THAT is NOT THE PROBLEM HERE, the problem is SO WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP ? ask that question to yourself and how you response to that situation will define whether you will be a WINNER or NOT
You will have two voices inside your head, EVERYONE HAVE, pada saat loe gagal kedua suara ini akan berbisik ke loe, yang pertama bilang :
1. Stop it, sudah gue bilang ini gak akan berhasil, loe hanya akan buang- buang waktu aja belajar menjadi seorang pria idaman, umur loe sudah tua saatnya untuk mencari wanita yang paling dekat dengan loe and get married, telat loe belajar ilmu tentang menjadi pria idaman
2. No, this is the thing i have to get through, ok so what is my failure ? i will fix this failure and let me try again
People have to believe that they are worthed, people have to believe on their own skill, people have to believe that they actually have the strongest ability, that ability is called “KONSISTENSI untuk BELAJAR”, still remember our strongest JEDI…don’t worry… he will never leave you…he is there with every step that you have to go through…
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