Tanya Jawab Ronald Frank

Hai pembaca setia PiW, saya telah menyiapkan banyak artikel yang SORE INI akan rilis di PiW.
Sembari menunggu, saya berikan beberapa tanya jawab yang sangat bermanfaat untuk pengetahuan kita semua.
Selamat menikmati!

bang ron,mau nanya bang, gimana si spya gue bs berani approach,gue prna 2 x approach sekali sukses sekali gagal dan gue approach pas gue blum knal pw tp gue brani bnget pd saat it tp stla gue gagal skrg gue suka rada ngeri pdhal uda tau pw.
Gimana yaa..??
‎”uda tau pw” bukan berarti kamu selalu berani. Keberanian datangnya bukan dari “uda tau pw”, melainkan dari diri kamu sendiri.
Untuk melawan “ketakutan” akan wanita, kamu harus ada rasa takut yang lebih besar dari “ketakutan” akan wanita.
Sekarang kamu jawab sendiri dalam hati kamu: “Lebih pilih rada ngeri takut gagal, atau jadi Pria kesepian?”
Andai salah satu anggota keluarga kamu diculik dan akan ditembak mati jika kamu tidak mendapatkan wanita cantik dalam 3 hari, apa kamu masih mikir “suka rada ngeri” lagi?
Jadi, ciptakanlah rasa takut yang lebih besar untuk dapat mengalahkan rasa takut yang sekarang.
Saya kasih 1 tips. Bilang ke 3 teman kamu untuk jadi saksi. Jika kamu tidak melakukan Approach 5 atau 10 kali, kamu telanjang ditengah jalan sambil berteriak “NAMA SAYA (nama kamu), DAN NAMA BAPAK SAYA (nama bapakmu)” ^_^

Bung Ron …
kykya saya butuh materi Macam2 bentuk Intimidasi cewek, dari awal approch sampai connect..
salah satunya Intimidasi kontak mata.
mengapa u butuh “materi Macam2 bentuk Intimidasi cewek”?
Ingat 1 hal: Fokus = Hasil.
Jika u berfokus kepada “intimidasi cewek”, maka u akan di intimidasi terus. Bukankah tujuan wanita meng-intimidasi Pria adalah untuk MELIHAT REAKSI sang Pria?
Jika u memberi reaksi, u lemah.
Saat wanita meng-intimidasi u, u punya 3 pilihan:
1. Marah / Balik meng-intimidasi,
2. Takut / Tunduk dengan intimidasi sang wanita,
3. Cuek.
Jika u Marah / Balik meng-intimidasi, ITU REAKSI.
Jika u Takut / Tunduk, ITU REAKSI.
Jika u Cuek, itu COOL.
Jadi, u tidak perlu tau “Macam2 bentuk Intimidasi cewek” karena jika u tau, maka u akan BER-REAKSI, sedangkan yang u perlu lakukan adalah CUEK saat di-intimidasi.

Friend: Ron, sorry to bother you brother, I really need your advice now.
Jd gw kan dr taon lalu study d shanghai, januari kmrn gw balik jakarta. Nah gw 2 minggu lalu, lebi dikit, ada kenal 1 cw lewat fb (hb 9 ron hehehe) n gw mulai deket banget minggu ini, the thing is I haven’t met her because of our own business (kesibukan n waktu ga pas trus). In addition, bsk gw mesti balik shanghai Ron :(
Dy bilang klo dy mrasa kehilangan gw klo gw balik, etc2. and gw cm bs hibur dy saat ini.
Need your advice bro. Thanks beforehand
Regards :)
Ron: Need advice for what? what is it that u want? be more clear.
Friend: What I want to ask you last time was some advice what should I say to her, because I still don’t know that time if I will keep this girl on my list to be my future gf, or just be friend with her. Karna kondisinya gw blom ktemu dy n dy masi d indo, sedangkan gw mw kluar, n dy blng mrasa kehilangan. But its ok, gw akhirnya bilang kalo gw tetep mesti k shanghai n kalo dy mw ktm gw, dy hrs balik beijing (dy wkt it blom tw balik/nga buat school). Tp sampe skrg gw blom tw dy bakal balik shanghai ato nga, but I’ll just go with the flow. Cw kadang apa yg dy omong blm tentu apa yg bener dy rasa yah. Oya, gw uda 2 hr ga kontek ni cw skrg n td gw kontek n blom ada reply Ron, hehe.
Btw gmn ebook v2nya kapan release Ron? Good luck for your work bro.
Ron: eBook rilis april. How’s the communication with the girl?
Friend: The communication’s been not quite good, because it took veeery long time for her to reply my text. I don’t know why she seemed like missing all day and suddenly come up at night around 11-12 with her reply. Sometimes she replied quick, but sometimes took times.
Dy perna ngomong dulu, “baru ak merasa nyaman sama orang, tapi orangnya mau pegi”. But I don’t know why, for this girl, indikator tertarik+nyaman+chemistry nya aga sulit diprediksi haha. That’s why gw masi rada penasaran Ron sama dy, so I still text her to ask “where is she” or “uda makan blom” gitu to keep contact. Tapi buat ngobrol dalam 3 hari ini uda aga jarang karena dy reply nya lama, dan gw juga ga mw ganggu dy dgn sms2 lagi sampe dibales.
Mnurut u Ron, what does she think? and what could I possibly do to get closer to her if I’m far away from her?
Ron: is calling her vice versa expensive?
Friend: Rather, but still ok:)
anw, if she hasn’t replied my text yet, is calling her alright?
Ron: U shouldn’t bother if she didn’t reply. If she likes u, she’ll contact u first. The key is to make impression that made her want to contact u first.
For now, ignore for a week and see if she respond. If not, try contacting her again in a very normal way.
Call should do it. SMS got no chemistry.
Friend: Bro, 2 days ago she text-ed me, and we start chatting through bbm. yesterday, I tried to call her, but she then text me saying “ak sengaja reject, karna ak lagi kurang mood ngomong, ak cape seharian” “lagian kamu hemat2 pulsa, sayang kalo telponan kalo ak ga ngomong” and then I replied “ok, no problem” then after a few line of chats, she said “aku kangen kamu” and she said that she would like to move to shanghai (currently she’s been studying at beijing). and she said she wanted to stay with me in my room! haha, kaget gw bacanya bro
I don’t know bro, this girl’s mind is so hard to be understand, but that’s what makes her unique for me. she’s so moody.
Ron: Don’t try to understand it. It’s Designed that way. Rather then try to understand it, u just SURF it. Whatever response, u just PLAY it to serve what u want.
Women act like the wind that will shake you here and there. Men act like tree that stood still for whatever wind its getting.
If you operate this way, you’ll understand women better.
Friend: Thanks again for the advice brother, really appreciate it :)
and your wind and tree quote is really really inspiring Ron, I think it can be published among the list of “wisdom quotes” on Google search haha
btw Ron, is it possible for a girl who has had comfort and/or chemistry toward a man, lose that comfort/chem after a while? or once she felt that way, she’ll still feel the same (but in terms of normal act from the man, not by being a jerk ato bertindak semaunya yg bikin ilfil)
Ron: Yes, a girl who has had comfort and/or chemistry toward a man could loose it. What makes her loose it is when the man shows that his level of interest to the girl is MORE then her.
So if u want to keep her comfort and/or chemistry, your interest level must LESS then her.
By doing that, the girl will eventually PURSUE you more because she wants to make you like her MORE than she likes u.
And by making her pursue you, she will feel that she invested so much time, effort and energy WHICH will make her interested to you even more.
YES you’re interested, but not MORE INTERESTED like her interest towards u. Once she get SOME CLUE that your level of interest is MORE than her (which you did show her already), then she’ll become cold.
And this thing got nothing to do with behaving like a jerk. You can still stay normal, but just you must show her that your interest level is not higher then her.
Friend: Ok Ron, I understand and I agree with you :)
It is indeed I did show my interest by usually (but not everyday) texting her whether just to ask where is she or has she eaten yet (showing care) but in a normal way. I’ll try to remember the pull and push action, btw today I haven’t texted her yet. thanks for the advice Ron, it really helps
anw how are you and your gf doing? I hope it’s great bro:)
Ron: Me & GF is great. If u text her, tell her to show interest and careness to you. ex: “hi, why didn’t u msg me today?”, “u should tell me that u love me more often”, “have u eaten yet? u should ask me have i eaten too” etc.
Gudluck 2 u.
Friend: Hmm, is it ok to “ask” her that way bro? Doesn’t it the same as asking for sympathy or being needy? I think I need more advice haha
Ron: There’s a difference between telling what u want honestly & asking for sympathy.
Weirdly enough, she can feel it.
“u should tell me that u love me more often”
compared to
“do u love me? could you please tell me that you love me every day? please…”
see the difference?
The key here is to NOT CARE about her judgement about what u want. if you get it, cool. If not, it wont bother you.
Again, woman can SENSE your insecurities (if you have any :D) including when you msg her everyday JUST TO FOLLOW UP so you don’t loose her.
u get it?
Friend: Ok, I get it :)
I do asking “where is she” and some small questions like that, but if she didn’t reply, I don’t text her again. Might she figure that I was insecure?
haha, and you’re right Ron, I follow up (but not everyday) so I don’t loose her. Tapi yah namanya uda suka, memang sulit buat ga takut kehilangan, but I always try to control myself not to be needy
Ron: One more thing. Every piece of msg u give her must have meaning(s). If it’s just small questions, it’ll bore her.
Msg her like she’s crazy over you. I gave the example already.
Friend: Ok, I will try your advice brother. Thanks again Ron:)

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